Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I haven’t been back home since early June when I came back down to Texas to play baseball for the summer. When I made the decision to transfer to Trinity, I did so knowing that there would be times when I would miss home, miss my friends, miss the comfort of everything I had known. I also left home for the same reasons. I knew that moving to a new place for my college years would offer me a chance to grow in ways I wouldn’t have if I had stayed in the Northeast.

The different culture and customs of the South came as a bit of a shock at first, but I find myself taking to them quite well. I’ve learned to tolerate and even embrace the use of the term “ya’ll”; though I still maintain I WILL NEVER use it myself for as long as I live. I’ve learned to two-step, another thing I swore I would never do when I first laid eyes on it.

I’ve met people down here with much different views on everything; politics, religion, to name a few. Now that I’m home for a brief stay, I realize that I do miss the things I had come to take for granted while I lived here all my life. There is something to be said for how different people are up here. They aren’t always as polite and hospitable, but they’ll always tell it to you straight. When you’re around your family and friends, it’s humbling and serves as a reminder that no matter how far away you choose to travel, your roots will always remain. I think sometimes we are so quick to want to get away from what we know for the idea of something new that we forget how fortunate we’ve been.


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